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A Random Guy Who Makes Some Art
198 Watchers45 Deviations

Basado en la película Avengers: Infinity War
(Ciertas partes de la historia fueron hechas por mí)

Oc 10 by TonyxMarshall2
(Debido a la falta de colaboración, solo publicaré imágenes basadas en las escenas de Infinity War)

556cb974b7ce2324563 by TonyxMarshall2
En alguna parte del espacio, luego de los eventos de thor: ragnarok, thor y los asgardianos con hulk se dirigían a la tierra como se tenía planeado ir, pero fueron interceptado y atacados por una nave desconocida donde venían thanos y sus secuaces, al ocurrir el ataque a la nave, la mitad de los asgardianos escaparon milagrosamente de una muerte segura en manos del titán loco, pero desafortunadamente thor y los demás quedaron en la nave para hacer frente a esta amenaza, la otra mitad de los asgardianos fueron asesinados vilmente por los hijos de thanos, mientras que thanos le golpino una paliza a thor dejándolo mal herido, y tomando en su poder la gema del espacio (Teseracto).

Capitulo 1: El Ataque ha comenzado.

Un día tranquilo en canterlot high, Tony Marshall estaba en sus labores junto con sunset, sci-twi y los demás estudiantes de canterlot, ese día tony estaba pensativo, recordando viejos días... y fue ese momento recordó a alguien importante, a una chica que conoció, que también tenía amigas, y eran unas superheroinas como lo son sunset y las demás, recordando aun más el pasado que ocurrió en Tokio/Japón..

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El nombre de la chica era Rei Hino, pero no era la única que estaba en su mente había otra más en mente, otra chica llamada Mina Aino.. Tony recordó aquellos días de batalla con ellas y las Sailors Scouts, mientras que Tony pensaba si escribirle por correo a rei o no.. Recordando más a fondo su romance con rei antes de llegar a canterlot, y también la confesión de amor de mina hacia tony, la campana de la escuela suena en el salón.. Sunset se queda observando a Tony por un rato y le pregunta..

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Sunset: Ocurre algo tony? Te note muy pensativo…

Marshall: No nada Sunset, solo recordaba cosas del pasado... y mis días de batalla antes de venir aquí.

Sunset: Oh... de verdad?

Marshall: Si, realmente no son las únicas superheroinas, ni tampoco yo, ni el capitán rogers, ni stark son los únicos héroes en el mundo, hay muchos más.

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Sci-Twi: -Observa- quienes eran las otras superheroinas?

Marshall: Mmm... No creo que sea el momento indicado para que sepan de ellas, realmente pasaron por bastantes batallas, y deben proteger un reino en el otro lado del mundo.

Sunset y Sci-Twi: WOW! …

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Al salir de la escuela canterlot, las mane 7 junto con tony se dieron cuenta que había problemas al otro lado de la ciudad, siendo atacada por una nave desconocida.

Marshall: Que es eso? … -Mira la nave espacial-

Sunset: Pero que…? -Asustada y seria observa la nave especial desde lejos-

Sci-Twi: y eso...? -Mira también la nave especial-

Rarity: Tal vez deberíamos ver qué ocurre querido..

Applejack: Rarity tiene razón..

Marshall: Cierto, vamos de inmediato... es hora de la transformación... Yo usare mi armadura mejorada por stark y por mí, a base de nanotecnología y me iré adelantando a observar la situación.

Marshall: -Despliega su armadura y vuela hasta el lugar de los hechos-

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Al observar el peligro que hay en la ciudad Marshall, junto con sunset, sci-twi, rarity y applejack transformadas, van a ayudar a la gente que se encuentra ahí.. Pero al llegar a la ciudad se dieron cuenta que los vengadores (Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Banner y Wong) se encuentran en la zona de batalla, algunas se acercan para apoyar en la pelea y evacuar el lugar.. Mientras que stark lucha con Cull Obsidian (que es hijo de thanos)

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Marshall se acerca ayudar junto con spiderman, sunset y applejack a vencer a ese monstruo, mientras que otro lado doctor strange junto con wong, sci-twi y rarity con sus escudos van luchar con Ebony maw para proteger la gema del tiempo de manos enemigas, desafortunadamente termino secuestrando a strange y las fuerzas no fueron suficientes..

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Rarity, applejack, y wong terminaron ilesos.. La capa de levitación ayuda a strange a alejarse del peligro, mientras que ebony lo sigue, y spiderman lo sigue detrás.. pero luego de intentos por proteger la gema, fueron interceptados por la nave y fueron absorbidos al interior de la misma.

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Mientras que iron man no puede vencer a Cull Obsidian y prepara su golpe final.. Pero con la ayuda de wong utilizando uno de sus portales lo manda al polo norte con una mano menos al cerrar el portal.

Stark: Wong estas invitado a mi boda! -se va volando a ayudar a spiderman en la nave-

Marshall: Voy con usted Señor.. -lo sigue para apoyarlo-

Sci-Twi: Espérame Tony.. -Usa sus alas (Humana/Pony) a seguirlo-

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Mientras que Stark sigue la nave con rapidez para alcanzarlo, detras viene Marshall junto con sci-twi a apoyarlo, para ir en busca de strange y rescatarlo de ebony maw...

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Al observar que spiderman no puede sobrevivir a la altitud al espacio... Stark activa un protocolo que es un traje o armadura (mejor conocido como el iron-spider) mientras que Marshall le brinda a sci-twi un casco para el oxigeno y unos repulsores (tipo guante) para elevarse un poco mas rápido.

Marshall: twilight, baja las manos hacia abajo para ganar un poco de velocidad con el apoyo de los propulsores.

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Stark: Que hacen aquí? deberían quedarse en la tierra... esta misión son las ligas mayores... -Se acerca volando a la nave, y realiza una entrada en la cubierta de la nave con un rayo laser-

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Marshall: Sci-Twi y yo correremos el riesgo de hacer este viaje, solo para proteger la gema del tiempo y mantenerlo seguro, además strange es el maestro de sci-twi -todos entramos a la nave-

Stark: Espera… -Hablando con pepper-
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Sci-Twi: Tony, ahora que..? Ya tienen la gema del tiempo...

Marshall: Habrá que organizar un plan para vencer a ebony, no le digas nada al sr.stark, está muy triste por dejar a pepper en la tierra, tenía un compromiso.. Pero es más importante salvar la tierra.

Sci-Twi: Oh No! Sunset.. y las demás..

Marshall: Estarán Bien están con el dr.banner, seguro le avisaran al capitan que viene un ataque -hablo susurrando-

Luego de esa batalla en equipo, iron man, doctor strange, Tony Marshall, Sunset Shimmer, Sci-Twi, Rarity y Applejack, apoyaron en evacuar la ciudad, Stark junto con Tony y Sci-twi se encuentran en la nave de ebony maw, esperando el momento ideal para atacarlo..

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Mientras que en el otro lado del espacio donde ocurrió el devastador ataque de la nave asgardiana, los guardianes de la galaxia reciben el mensaje de auxilio de la nave asgardiana y llegan al lugar de donde provine el mensaje, pero se dieron cuenta que llegaron tarde, observando los cuerpos de los asgardianos masacrados flotando en el espacio, se toparon con una sorpresa.. Se fijaron que thor seguía vivo luego de la explosión de la nave asgardiana rescatándolo y relatando lo ocurrido con thanos, las gemas y su gente asesinada.

En la tierra, banner usa el teléfono de stark y llama a Steve Rogers para contarles la situación con thanos y las gemas del infinito, mientras se dirigían a la base de los vengadores, Rarity, Applejack y Sunset escucharon el relato de banner sobre las gemas del infinito y el gran peligro si thanos las obtiene las 6 gemas en sus manos.

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Rarity: Eso es terrible, no puedo creer que exista un ser tan despiadado que quiera desaparecer la mitad del universo con esas gemas tan poderosos.

Vlcsnap-2019-03-27-03h02m44s101 by TonyxMarshall2
Applejack: La situación se ha tornado más complicada de lo que pensamos…

Dr.Banner: Por eso iremos a la base de los vengadores para reunirnos con Steve y los demás miembros del equipo.

Mientras que Sunset mira en otra parte preocupada pensando en cómo estará Tony y Sci-Twi en la nave espacial.

Applejack: Estas bien Sunset?

Sunset: Si applejack, solo estoy preocupada por tony... No ha dejado un mensaje en mi celular..

Applejack: Tranquila Sunset tony estará bien, además está con el sr.stark y el doctor strange, serán un gran equipo en caso de que ocurra algún inconveniente.

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Sunset: Si.. lo sé -sonríe un poco y piensa-

(Porque tengo el presentimiento de que algo malo va a pasar..)

Final del capitulo 1
(Espero que les haya gustado)

Si obtengo buenas críticas, puedo subir el capítulo 2 :)

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Based on the Avengers movie: Infinity War
(Certain parts of the story were made by me)

Oc 10 by TonyxMarshall2
(Due to lack of collaboration, I will only post images based on the scenes of infinity war)

556cb974b7ce2324563 by TonyxMarshall2
Somewhere In the space, after events Thor: Ragnarok, Thor and the Asgardians with the Hulk were heading to Earth as planned to go, but were intercepted and attacked by an unknown ship where Thanos and his henchmen were, when the attack on the ship occurred , half of the Asgardians miraculously escaped a certain death in the hands of the mad Titan, but unfortunately Thor and the others remained on the ship to deal with this threat, the other half of the Asgardians were killed meanly by the sons of Thanos, while Thanos golpinoed him a beating to Thor leaving him badly wounded, and taking in his power the Gem of Space (Tesseract).

Chapter 1: The Attack has begun.

A quiet day at Canterlot High, Tony Marshall was in his work together with sunset, sci-TWI and the other students of Canterlot, that day Tony was thoughtful, remembering old days... And it was that moment he reminded someone important, a girl he met, who also had friends, and were superheroines such as sunset and others, remembering even more the past that occurred in Tokyo/Japan..

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the girl's name was Rei Hino, but she was not the only one in her mind there was another one in mind, another girl named Mina Aino.. Tony remembered those days of battle with them and the Sailor Scouts, while Tony thought whether to write to Rei or not.. Re-Membering more thoroughly his romance with Rei before reaching Canterlot, and also the confession of Mina's love to Tony, the school bell rings in the living room.. Sunset stares at Tony for a while and asks.

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Sunset: Does Something Happen, Tony? I notice You very thoughtful...

Marshall: Nothing Sunset, just remembered things from the past... And my days of battle before I came here.

Sunset: Oh... Really?

Marshall: Yes, they're not really the only superheroines, neither I, nor captain rogers, nor stark are the only heroes in the world, there are many more.

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Sci-Twi:-See-who were the other superheroines?

Marshall: Mmm... I Don't think it's the right time for them to know about them, they really went through a lot of battles, and they must protect a kingdom on the other side of the world.

Sunset and Sci-Twi: WOW!...

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Leaving school Canterlot, Mane 7 along with Tony realized that there were problems on the other side of the city, being attacked by an unknown ship.

Marshall: What's that? ...-Look At The spacecraft-

Sunset: But that...?-Frightened and serious observes the special ship from afar-

Sci-Twi: And that...?-See also the special ship-

Rarity: Maybe We should see what happens dear..

Applejack: Rarity is right..

Marshall: Right, let's go immediately... It's time for the transformation... I will use my armor enhanced by Stark and my, nanotechnology-based and I will go ahead to observe the situation.

Marshall:-Activates The armor and flies to the place of the facts-

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Observing the danger in the city Marshall, along with sunset, sci-twi, rarity and Applejack transformed, will help the people who are there.. But on reaching the city they realized that the Avengers (Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Banner and Wong) are in the battle zone, some are coming to support in the fight and evacuate the place.. While Stark fights with Cull Obsidian (who is the son of Thanos)
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Marshall comes along to help with Spiderman, Sunset and Applejack to beat that monster.. While another side, Doctor Strange along with Wong, Sci-twi and rarity with their shields will fight with Ebony Maw to protect the time gem from enemy hands, unfortunately strange term kidnapped and the forces were not enough..
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Rarity, Applejack, and Wong ended up unscathed.. The levitation layer helps strange to move away from the danger, while Ebony follows it, and Spiderman follows it back behind.. But after attempts to protect the gem, they were intercepted by the ship and absorbed into it.
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While Iron Man cannot beat Cull Obsidian and prepares his final blow.. But with the help of Wong using one of its portals sends him to the North Pole with one hand less when closing the portal.

Stark: Wong You're invited to my wedding! -He flies to help Spiderman on the ship-

Marshall: I'M Going with you Sir..-It follows to support it-

Sci-Twi: Wait for me Tony..-Use Your Wings (Human/Pony) to follow it-

Vlcsnap-2019-03-27-02h46m51s60 by TonyxMarshall2
While Stark follows the ship quickly to reach it, behind comes Marshall along with sci-twi to support him, to go in search of strange and rescue him from Ebony Maw...

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Observing that Spiderman can not survive the altitude to space... Stark activates a protocol that is a suit or armor (better known as the Iron-spider) while Marshall gives sci-twi a helmet for oxygen and a repulsor (glove type) to rise a little faster.

Marshall: Twilight, lower your hands down to gain some speed with the support of the thrusters.

Sci-Twi: Understood.

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Stark: What are You doing here? They should stay on Earth.. This mission is the major leagues.. -Is approaching flying to the ship, and makes an entrance into the deck of the ship with a laser beam-

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Marshall: Sci-Twi and I will run the risk of making this trip, just to protect the gem time and keep it safe, plus strange is the master of sci-twi -we all entered the ship-

Stark: Wait...-Talking to Pepper-
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Sci-Twi: Tony, now that..? They Already have the gem of time..

Marshall: We Will Have to organize a plan to beat Ebony, do not say anything to Mr. Stark, is very sad to leave pepper on earth, had a commitment.. But It's more important to save the Earth.

Sci-Twi: Oh no! Sunset.. and the others..

Marshall: They'll Be Fine they're with Dr.banner, I'm sure the captain will be notified of an attack -he spoke whispering-

After that team battle, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Tony Marshall, Sunset Shimmer, Sci-Twi, Rarity and Applejack, supported the evacuation of the city, Stark along with Tony and Sci-Twi are on the ship of Ebony Maw, waiting for the ideal time to attack..

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While on the other side of the space where the Asgardian ship's devastating attack took place, the Guardians of the Galaxy receive the distress message from the Asgardiana ship and arrive where the message came from, But they realized they were late, observing the bodies of the Asgardians massacred floating in space, they stumbled upon a surprise.. They realized that Thor was still alive after the explosion of the Asgardiana ship, went to his rescue and then told what happened to Thanos, the gems and his people killed.

On Earth, Banner uses Stark's phone and calls Steve Rogers to tell them about the situation with Thanos and the Infinity Gems, as they drove to the Avengers ' base, Rarity, Applejack and Sunset heard the dr.banner story about the gems of Infinity and the Great Danger if Thanos gets them the 6 gems in his hands.

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Rarity: That's terrible, I can't believe there's a being so ruthless that he wants to disappear half the universe with those powerful gems.

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Applejack: The situation has become more complicated than we think...

Dr. Banner: That's Why we're going to the Avengers ' base to meet Steve and the other team members.

While Sunset looks at another worried part thinking about how Tony and Sci-Twi will be on the spacecraft.

Applejack: These well Sunset?

Sunset: Yes, of course applejack, I'm just worried about Tony.. He hasn't written a message to me before he left Earth.

Applejack: Calm Sunset, Tony will be fine.. they are with 2 powerful heroes, I'm sure they will be a great team in case any inconvenience occurs.

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Sunset: Yes.. I know -smile a little and think-

(Because I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen..)

End of chapter 1
(I hope you liked it)

If I get good reviews, I may upload the 2 chapter :)

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This will be a small post...
The safest thing is that nobody cares what I say
''Clearly, as if there were more important things than this''

It's been since I made drawings of my OC
and they were few "in reality"
I expected something more... a bigger impact Invisible 

But ... it was only a negative impact and not a positive one Sniff 
I've been thinking a lot about this..

Actually I thought I could be part of something very important ...
as a family...

like the other OC's
(they have friends, and they are considered cool)

and apart they are always drawn by others...

and by not having the resources
to make my OC a little popular

I do not have anyone else either, it's best to leave..

nobody appreciates the little effort I make ...
with respect to my ''shipings''

But I've seen other ''oc's'' that run with luck
and survive...

but I (my OC)

I will not get anything

So ... I'll publish my latest drawings
in honor of my OC...

I guess I will not have anyone's attention Grr. 
it will only be a waste of time to publish more of my OC

if nobody is going to draw me...

but .. I will not have to worry anymore
that's why ... I will not be in deviantart anymore Please 
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Another hero with whom I feel identified
(and it’s an idea more in mind for my OC)

Tony Marshall (Thor) by TonyxMarshall2

It’s magneto (the young version)

In spite of having gone through a lot of pain and rejection of all here, not receiving any message of a drawing artist, since in fact my OC was available for collaborations or requests…

well, it’s disappointing to see that they only think in their pocket
and not worry about having friends that really support them…

something we have in common is that we both lost…
be due, to the rejection of a girl, or rejection of all.

Of course, the most important hate the artists of famous drawings that are created higher to the others (since they are good at insulting
and telling lies to take advantage of his fame)

These people make me sick!

It only remains… to be isolated from the world
I will finish in that way.

in a country in crisis, and on the verge of a war…

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a brief history of my bad (and sad) luck with the artists
I always thought that artists actually had their kind side
but I’m wrong… they only think in their pocket
and not in the person… I really aspire to have a friend
that can accept collaboration from me
(even if I’m contributing my OC)…

The most important thing is friendship and respect…
and of course (to hear certain ideas from me)

there are no more artists with that description…
(They are not even aware of my bad situation)
As you may know I am from Venezuela and it is difficult for me
opt for a commission, and well…

I found a way to have (dollars)
but I have little… at least $ 6
The devaluation of the currency that I am living is incredible…

but none here seems to care about my situation…
(I repeat again, they only think in their pocket and not in the person)

So… choose to take some bases already used
(recreate some that I invent)
or from another artist, and the reason is because
nothing could cost to accept a request or collaboration…

But in the end, they called me the bad guy, the thief
and I’m not a thief, I have rights … (sounds absurd)
But I have rights … they can not judge me that way…

It’s not my fault that the country is going through
for a dictatorship and crisis… I have no other choice…

I do not have more options…

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Fanfiction: Crossover (Avengers and EqG) Spanish by TonyxMarshall2, journal

Fanfiction: Crossover (Avengers and EqG) English by TonyxMarshall2, journal

The EndGame will arrive soon for me by TonyxMarshall2, journal

This society (fandom) does not accept my OC by TonyxMarshall2, journal

My bad luck with the cartoon artist by TonyxMarshall2, journal